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Τρίτη 30 Νοεμβρίου 2021




This Sacred Ellanio Text consists of three sections, where its creator – Artemis Sorras – analyses the Wholeness of the Evidential Process, the reciprocal relationship between the true Politis (Citizen) and his Politeia (State), as well as the Wholeness of the 600 cosmic-Polities (States) with their primordial 13 cosmic-Polities. Through diagrams and creative maps containing elaborate labyrinths, the author of this Text proves to us the connection between the true Politis and his Politeia, as well as the 600 cosmic-Polities within our Ellanios Cosmos 600. Additionally, through the Wholeness of the Evidential Process, we receive great evidence regarding the true meanings of Democracy, Laws, Politis, Politeia, Civilisation and more.

These Sacred Ellania Texts are not your typical narrative. It is vital that the reader approaches these Texts as that of a permanent student reading a very intricate and specialised, as well as strict series of Texts. Sentences and paragraphs must be repeatedly read to better comprehend them. It is the reader who must ascend to the superior and sacred meanings within these texts and not the other way around, lowering such significant and sacred meanings to the – currently apostate – level of the human being (Anthropos). The reader must undertake his own journey through the intricate labyrinth of these various Sacred Ellania Texts and compare and cross-reference them in order to gain a better understanding (Katanoesis) and then comprehension (Noesis) of the analyses, breakdowns, code results and meanings that arise within them. In essence, they are a map of our creation and connection beyond, where there is no beginning or end, end or beginning. A query in one text can be found in another text, and this is something the reader must individually perform for the purpose of his ascension. This is why the word Read «ΔΙΑΒΑΖΩ» (pron. Diavazo) etymologically means, DIA (Zeus) = Nous/Mind, and VAZO = To Place, i.e. we must place and utilise our Nous/Mind when we read, and not read to simply read. With perseverance, all the answers to our questions about our existence, purpose and connection beyond will be answered. “The Time and Space in which this “EPIC” «ΕΠΟΣ» is presented, is the suitable one. The Mind (Nous) that goes on this quest and imprint, is the suitable one. The reader who will engage in this, is the suitable one. And Free-Will is “ARGO” «ΑΡΓΩ» herself, in the same way that it was back then, with the same Hero to lead the way for this memorable journey where every end is a new beginning, every answer is a new question and every peak is a new valley”. 
 (Excerpt from: The Ellanios Cosmos 600 – Prologue

Beginning with the analysis of the 1st section – “The Evidential Process”, its creator directs us step-by-step and with absolute precision through the undeniable analysis and synthesis of the coded cosmic-symbols that compose specific meanings. In this way, we can realise and understand what this divine Evidential Process exactly is. Evidently, through the analysis set out, it will be proven, and we will comprehend that the Evidential Process is a complete-wholeness unit Ι (ΙΟΤΑ*) οf divine and Just creation. The analysis and synthesis of the cosmic-result of its cosmic-symbol’s final form, give us the code of the divine “Synthesis” of everything within our creation. This is the highlysacred code 5 FIVE, and within its wholeness, we find other wholenesses of «IΔΕΑ» (Idea) «ΔΙΚΑΙΩ» (Justness*) «ΑΝΑΓΚΗ» (Need) «ΣΤΟΧΟΣ ΣΚΟΠΟΣ» (Aim and Purpose) «ΠΑΡΩΝ» (The Present)  «ΣΤΙΓΜΗ» (The Moment – associated Time) and «ΕΝΘΥΜΗΣΗ» (Remembrance). 

The Evidential Process gives birth to the Just Idea that gives rise to the Need of the Present, where the Present includes everything and the Need is the absolute and creative cause of all creations of the Present. 

Its evidence deals with the human total and not just the individual. Everything proven for the one is proven for everyone and everything as a total. What is proven, is true and absolute.

 And so, anything that is not Just cannot be proven, and anything that cannot be proven with the wholeness of the Evidential Process, does not exist. It is apostate and does not have any place within any total, and it must not exist within our creation. 

Today, all Ellene humans live within the darkness of dogmas, theories, worships, unproven teachings and lifeless ideologies. They can and must place all these dogmas, ideologies, political parties, all the rules and laws imposed upon them by the apostate regime, all the teachings, all written Texts, religions, groups, sects, lodges and anything that exists within their environment, against the divine and true wholeness of the precise and absolute Evidential Process. Following, they will compare them by simulating them with the wholeness of the Evidential Process to self-discover and reveal all the evidence of what is ortho*, existing, true and Just.

 Anything that is ortho, existing, true and Just must contain all the same divine, creative and Just wholenesses with the wholeness of the Evidential Process as it appears within the map of this Sacred Ellanio Text.

 Anything that passes through the process of simulation and comparison that contrasts with the true wholeness of the divine Evidential Process, must be investigated and determined whether it is an Idea, if this Idea is Just, if it is a Need for the Whole, if it is the true Remembrance of the Need for the Whole or if it is otherwise a 3 deceitful and pseudo-apostate construct. It must be determined if its Just Idea has an Aim and Purpose and if it ever had a Present, as well as when the exact Moment of the Need was in the Present of the Just Idea’s Aim and Purpose. 

With this simulation, the ortho, existing, true and Just will be proven and revealed to the Ellene human. Contrary to this, anything apostate, deceitful and vile, including the origin of its apostasy and the size of deterioration it has caused, will also be proven. 

With this absolute and true process of the wholeness of the divine Evidential Process, in every attempt of simulation and comparison that we will perform, it will also reveal the antipode, which is the lie and the invisible. The invisible doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. Even this has its own wholeness of the Evidential Process. 

In this way and using the map of the wholeness of the Evidential Process, all Ellene humans can and must find and discover all the apostate lies (both large and small) that govern their lives and bio*, and that contain the apostate wholeness that controls and reigns over all of humanity. 

This is the only way that they will realise the purpose of their creation, and they will achieve to become pragmatic Polites (Citizens) who will create their creative Politeia* (State) (See: Ellene Politeia in the Glossary).
 Continuing with the 2nd section of this book and through the compositional development of the codes «ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ» (Politis = Citizen) «ΑΝΔΡΕΙΑ» (Valour) and «ΠΟΛΙΤΕΙΑ» (Politeia) analysed by the creator of this Sacred Text, the true Justness of the wholeness of the Evidential Process of these codes is revealed to us as follows: 
- The Politis is the incarnation of the Idea of Valour. 
- The Politis creates the Politeia. Without a Politis, there is no Politeia. 
 - The Politeia creates Polites who create further Polities (States). 

We see and indicate the eternal and creative cycle of “Politis – Politeia” housed upon the foundations of Democratea* (Democracy), where the beginning and start of this eternal, immortal, Just and creative system “Politis – Politeia” is the primordial Politis. 

By synthesising the wholenesses “Politis – Valour – Politeia – Politismos (Civilisation)”, “ELLENE” and “33 Ellania Protocols*” , where all 3 are divine creations into one triad complete-wholeness, he proves that the Ellene human and divine Ellanio creation of the highlysacred and divine Ellania Creation*, is the Politis. Moreover, he is the incarnation of Valour, the one who creates the Politeia, the one who generates Politismos and contains the 33 Ellania Protocols within his Democratea. 

Within the developmental map of this triad wholeness, we will see the development and the revelation of the synthesis, structure and construction of the human being 
6 6 6 (6 Protons, 6 Neutrons and 6 Electrons). 
 The creator of this Sacred Ellanio Text structures a cosmic line with developments of the codes “Politis” and “Politeia” whose composition and synthesis are the same composition and structure of the absolute and creative INFINITY and the infinite synthesis of the structure and construction of αλφα and ωμεγα (ALPHA & OMEGA). By starting with the code “Politis”, he develops a continuous series with alternating ranks, precisely as it occurs within and upon the vast and limitless cosmic-line of Timeless-Time. He proves and directs us into realising that all of the same syntheses of unions of the codes “Politis” – “Politeia” but also “Politeia” – “Politis” are opposite, reversed, different but the same and identical, just like «α αλφα and ω ωμεγα». All are connected with the Golden Thread of the Remembrance of their memory within Timeless-Time created by The Absolute Time 1 ONE*. Their Presents are continually connected with the Whole παρων (Present). The memory and Remembrances of 5 every Politeia pass onto the next Politeia, and the Remembrance of every Politis passes onto the next Politis who will create the Politeia, and his Politeia will create Polites, who in turn will also create their Politeia. 
This cosmic-line is memory itself that connects all the Remembrances of both Polites and Polities onto the same Whole of Time. 

Moreover, within the same map of the development of “Politis” – “Politeia”, it is proven that the Politeia isn’t the buildings or the roads or any structural and constructional infrastructure of a Polis (City). It is an entire Epoch within which all humans take part. This means that the Politeia and the Polities are the Epochs of large or small timecycles and time-intervals, which also include black and dark Epochs, but also Epoch Polities of creative ascension. 

Moving onto the 3rd section of this book, we will learn and know that our Ellanios Cosmos 600* contains 600 wholenesses of Polities plus (+) 1. The +1 is the entry and exit points together, (See: Cosmos in the Glossary). 

By bringing and earthing a paramount heritage of universal knowledge, the creator of this Sacred Ellanio Text inscribes the cosmic-map of the development and ascension of the 600 wholenesses of Polities “Epochs” in code form. These are engraved and created from the start. Apart from their interconnected succession, they are united with particular syntheses, highly-sacred unions, creative fusions, unique code Isozygia (balance)* and creative alchemy* within their infinite Nomoteleia*.

 Continuing with the analysis and breakdown* of the cosmic-map of our 600 wholenesses of Polities “Epochs”, he will reveal the existence of the 13 primordial complete-wholeness unit ι Polities “Epochs” of whole Creation. This reinforces that absolutely everything is 13 THIRTEEN. 

 Through the utmost important analysis that he has given, he breaks down the Beginning of all beginnings and travels to the initial composition and construction of the 600 Polities “Epochs”. Within them, the whole and complete Ellania divine Creation is secured, lives, experiences and creates with all of its divine Ellania creations. 

Here, he reveals that the 13 THIRTEEN creative Ellania cosmic-Polities contain and are also found within the complete-wholeness of the 600 Ellania cosmic Polities “Epochs”. From these, 9 highly-sacred complete cosmic-Polities are visible within our cosmic-map analysed and broken-down, while 4 cosmic-Polities are invisible, but existing. 

 By synthesising the cosmic-result of the wholeness of the 9 visible and 4 invisible complete cosmic-Polities whose complete-wholeness creation is the 13 THIRTEEN Ellania complete Polities within the complete-wholeness of our 600 Polities “Epochs”, he will prove that the synthesis of these wholenesses are the absolute and true complete Unit ι “1 ONE*” of creation. (See: The Arithmos 9 NINE and 1 ONE in the Glossary) 

By studying this Sacred Ellanio Text, every Ellene human can realise and discover with the evidence of the Evidential Process, that the creator of this Text who earths it and offers it over to everyone at this right Time, Justly brings the Idea of our creation. This Idea is the Aim and Purpose of the Remembrance of the Need and the Need for the Remembrance of all Ellene human creations to become true Polites. Consequently, as a wholeness unit ι, they will create their Politeia, and with the Democratea of their Politeia, they will produce Politismos. 

By broadening their spiritual horizons, all Ellene humans can and must realise and understand their Present and the Whole παρων (Present), which is their everything since absolutely everything is created in the Present. The Present is everything. The Present is the highly-sacred, unique and divine creators ΑΛΦΑ (ALPHA). ΑΛΦΑ are everything, and everything is the Whole ΠΑΡΩΝ. 

 Every Ellene human can and must become a pragmatic Politis who will create his absolute and creative Politeia. In turn, the Politeia as a divine womb will continually create absolute and creative Polites. 

Only in this way, can everyone’s Present unite with the Whole παρων and with the present of the Present «ΠΑΡΩΝ Του ΠΑΡΟΝΤΩΣ» (pron. Paron tou Parondos), which is the complete-wholeness of the 13 complete cosmic-Polities, in other words 1 ONE, The Absolute Unit ι and Creator of everything

TO READ THE WHOLE TEXT: https://www.aitherikigrafi.gr/analysis-evidential-process





1. ΠΡΟΦΙΛ ΑΡΤΕΜΗ ΣΩΡΡΑ: http://www.artemis-sorras.gr 2. ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ 600 ΔΙΣ: http://600dis.oramaellas.gr 3. ΠΡΟΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΔΗΜΩΝ: http://dimoi.oramaellas.gr 4. ΤΡΑΠΕΖΑ ΤΗΣ ΑΝΑΤΟΛΗΣ: http://trapeza-anatolis.oramaellas.gr 5. ΠΡΟΤΑΣΗ ΤΧΣ: http://txs.oramaellas.gr ======================= ΑΠΟΛΟΓΗΤΙΚΟ ΥΠΟΜΝΗΜΑ ΤΟΥ ΑΡΤΕΜΗ ΣΩΡΡΑ: https://ypomnima.artemis-sorras.gr/ ======================= ΑΙΘΕΡΙΚΗ ΓΡΑΦΗ: https://www.aitherikigrafi.gr/





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